A Year-In-Review.
January. The start to 2022. A great year with lots of new places, new faces and a few changes around home too! We started off the year with a trip to Palm Springs with some close friends to escape the cold Washington winters. I ended the month with a lot of waterfowl hunting for fun and for some clients like First Lite and Benchmade Knives in Missouri and on the west side of the state here in Washington.
February is typically a slow work month for me. This month is a good month for me to rest and spend a lot of time at home with Whit and start planning the rest of our year. It’s okay to rest. It’s okay to take time off. Being home is important. So I didn’t shoot much of anything this month! Onward.
March brought a little bit more sun and the early signs of spring approaching. I was able to get out and shoot some photos for Vortex Optics and some of their new optics and apparel they released earlier this year.
April brings the first signs of spring and distant gobbles in the hills. I spent a lot of time in the hill of Washington and in the hardwoods of Missouri searching for turkeys and shooting for different clients like First Lite, Vortex Optics, and Buck Knives.
May was another busy one, as usual! I continued the pursuit of turkeys in Washington with friends while shooting for First Lite and Buck Knives. Then I ventured North to Alaska with Capt. Rob again for the start of King Salmon run in the waters outside of Prince of Wales Island. While up north I shot photos for clients like Yeti, Mercury Marine, Grundens and Cannon Downriggers.
June was a wild month. We started out with a quick trip to Bend, Oregon to explore the town while considering a move to that beautiful place. (Still considering… maybe one day). We then spent a week sick at home with that virus that we don’t talk about… I had to postpone a shoot for Marmot until we were fully recovered before heading to the Olympic Peninsula to create imagery for Marmot’s 2022 Fall line. I was able to shoot a lot of film on this project which was a really fun change of pace compared to my digital work. After this shoot, I basically went straight to Terrace, BC to chase the summer run of Chinook salmon, do some trout fishing on secluded mountain lakes and just take in the sights and sounds of Canadian summers while on a shoot for Duck Camp Co.
July brought another trip to the Great White North. And to the wild phenomenon of the Bristol Bay sockeye salmon run. I joined the Fransen Family again to document their work up in the area and the peak of this salmon run. They worked long days and nights and snuck in sleep whenever, wherever they could. I was able to show this body of work at a gallery at the Leica Store in Bellevue, WA in September, as well as in my book “Run of the Reds.” It was great to finally accomplish a long-term goal of mine with this project. You can see more from this project here. After returning back home, we headed to the mountains of Idaho for a fun overnight backpacking trip with our good friends the Mandagies. Check out their incredible PNW travel blog here.
August allowed a little bit of free time to get out and shoot some film just for fun. Something I always enjoy doing. Experimenting with different types of film and different formats. We purchased a new house this month, so it was nice to have a little bit of time off to get everything moved and situated before my real busy season came. I had an overlanding/camping project to shoot some new gear for Yeti in the mountain roads of western Washington in the middle of the month. And then took a quick family trip down south of the border to Cabo before getting back to Washington for a busy September.
With only a handful of days at home, September was a busy one, to say the least. I was fortunate enough to work with Visit Spokane to create some imagery throughout the city and surrounding areas, but one of my favorites was highlighting the Centennial Trail to start out the month of shoots. Then we went down to Missouri for a quick trip to attend a good friend’s wedding. Once back in Washington, I headed over to the west side of state to shoot some imagery with my good friends Lael and Pat for the fine folks at Flylords. I was able to have my family come visit me for my gallery showing of Run of the Reds at the Leica store in Bellevue. And then I went straight into a shoot for Marmot and Benchmade in the North Cascades of Washington before getting a breath and a few days at home.
October is probably one of my favorite months. Fall has always been my favorite season and October brings that season into full-swing. I started the month by doing a shoot for Benchmade in Rainier National Park to feature their National Park series knives. I then had a little bit of time at home and did a shoot for Vortex’s apparel line in the mountains outside of Spokane. Then, towards the end of the month, I headed east to the mountains of Montana to shoot photos of a mule deer hunt with a friend for my clients First Lite, Vortex and Buck Knives. He was fortunate enough to put his tag on a nice buck and we packed it out of those mountains together. Gotta love October.
November brought a big road trip for Whit and I. We purchased a Scout Camper and decided to break it in, we would drive to Missouri from Washington to visit my family and spend a few weeks in Missouri for deer camp with the family, our niece’s first birthday and finally Thanksgiving with the whole family. We made a few stops along the way, I was able to take my first deer of the season in Wyoming and then got a second in Missouri to fill the freezer. Along the way I was able to shoot some photos for Landmark Project, Buck Knives and White’s Boots. It was so nice to spend some extended time with my family in Missouri for the first time since I lived there. The Ozarks are a special place. Especially in November.
In December, I turned the big 3-0. We celebrated with friends at a cabin in Idaho and it was a great weekend to relax and catch up with friends after being gone for the month of November. I headed back down south to Arkansas for a shoot with First Lite to create imagery for the launch of their new camo pattern, Cache, that is meant for the Mississippi flyway in the flooded timber. Needless to say, it worked well. After this shoot, I met Whit in Charleston, one of our favorite cities, for a quick vacation in the warmth and sun before the holidays back at home.
2022 was a wild year and an incredible year. I was able to accomplish some goals that I’ve been working toward for a while, we spent a lot of time with family and friends when we were home (albeit not that much), and we were able to purchase a new home that we’ve been able to get settled in and “nest” a bit more. Thank you to all the friends, family and clients that made 2022 what it was. Really looking forward to 2023. It’s going to be a good one.